Castellanza’s Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici was born as a branch of Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici di Milano, founded in 2005 and named after Prospero Moisé Loria, a late 1800s patron that supported the creation of an organization aimed at improving the condition of the poor by means of education and professional training.

In 2013, with the authorization of Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research by Ministerial Decree, 23rd September 2013 published in the Official Gazette on the 15th October 2013, Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici gains full statutory, didactic, scientific, organizative, financial and accounting autonomy and officially takes on the name of Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Carolina Albasio. The name pays homage to Carolina Albasio, (1883-1921), one of the first graduate women in Italy and illustrious citizen of Castellanza, student of 1906 Nobel prize in Medicine winner Professor Camillo Golgi. She attended Reale Scuola di Ostetricia di Milano and earned her Diploma di Levatrice at Reale Università di Pavia in 1907.

Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Carolina Albasio is a Non-Economic Public institution (Ente Pubblico Non Economico) authorized to activate and carry out higher education three-year courses for linguistic mediators and to issue its related qualification title, equivalent to all degrees obtained in other Universities at the end of all courses akin to class 3 academic degrees in “Scienze della mediazione linguistica”. The course aims at giving the students:

  • A solid cultural and linguistic base in at least two languages besides Italian
  • Technical-linguistic skills in both oral and written comprehension and production developed from metalinguistic knowledge
  • Structural knowledge of natural languages and basic linguistic analysis skills
  • Basic knowledge in economics, law, history and politics, geo-anthropology and literature.
  • IT skills for communication and information management
  • Knowledge of characteristics and problems concerning specific work areas (public institutions, business concerning production, culture, tourism, environment…) related to the territory’s peculiarities and its possible interethnic and intercultural evolutions.

In addition, Scuola Superiore Carolina Albasio fosters a strong synergy with businesses and favors the creation of research projects that enhance business competitiveness and support the growth of knowledge and culture. In a globalized world in which change occurs at and ever-increasing pace, innovation and development capabilities to create new solutions are a fundamental need for every business area.

Scuola Superiore Carolina Albasio carries out research projects focused on various areas:

  • Applied research;
  • Sector studies;
  • Feasibility studies;
  • Research project partnerships deliberated by Scuola Superiore Carolina Albasio;
  • Organization of educational activities, courses, seminars, conferences;
  • Analysis and certification of research carried out within businesses.
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