
10 Ways to Live a Sustainable Life

Today we wanted to share with you this article listing 10 tips to lead a more sustainable life.
As you will see, they are quite simple but to be kept in mind to adapt our way of living to the emergency of the situation we are facing.

Some of the best tips to live your life sustainably are:
– Recycle properly
– Ditch plastic water bottles and invest in a reusable bottle
– Minimize single-use plastic in your life altogether
– Take steps to reduce your energy consumption
– Reduce your water usage
– Opt for environmentally-conscious modes of transportation
– Grow your own food
– Say goodbye to fast fashion
-Shop local and organic for food

What do you think about these tips?
Do you think that you will be able to apply them to your everyday life?
Do you know some more tips?

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7 responses to “10 Ways to Live a Sustainable Life”

  1. Alessia Macellaro says:

    Thank you for the very interesting article, it is what I try to do on a daily basis. I think we should see planet Earth a bit like our home, which we should have the maximum respect for. It has been entrusted to us, so knowing that we will be bequeathing it to future generations, we should cherish it!
    Well done,

  2. Iva Kresic says:

    I think we are finally at the point where, trying to live by these rules is getting put more and more into action. Aside from legislation and laws being implemented in different countries that incentivized this behavior, I think social media played a big part in spreading the word, or even making this become a ‘trend’. However it may be, it is for sure a good thing that people are adopting this kind of lifestyle. I just think that, for it to continue and become this long-term habit that is embedded into our daily life, people will need more encouragement of some sorts, as a lot of them still do not get the urgency and the ‘fuss’ about it. We may think differently, but swithcing to sustainability is not an easy thing, especially because it is not the most practical life style to adopt. Taking it day by day, and letting those habits develop slowly may be the way to go about it.

  3. Casey Rock says:

    As shown below by Alessia Macellaro “our earth is our home” Yes! we need to treat the earth with love and kindness just like we do to our own homes inside, you like it to look nice and smell Nice so you paint some rooms and use some air fresheners, we want our planet to look nice swell as be healthy so we need to do these huge impacting movements together.

  4. Emma Barker says:

    Some great tips here, many of which I and my family are already doing. I’ve seen an increase in ‘guerilla gardening’ too, where people find areas of urban decay and transform them by throwing seed bombs or planting trees or even fruit and vegetables for the local communities. In the colder months i always try to wear extra clothes instead of turning on the heating and use LED light bulbs instead of the incandescent ones. There is so much we can do if we work together and try to make a difference!

  5. Baianur Dzhoroeva says:

    Really easy and useful tips to follow sustainable life. I like most the suggestion concerning water consumption, it is essential to resources on the earth in order for all living things to survive. Maybe, I would paraphrase it in a different manner, instead of saying to reduce water consumption, I would strongly advise thinking, and analysing how we use it for what in what amount. For example, in our morning routines, we are brushing our teeth, and most people leave the water open, while they are brushing, is it really needed? Instead, we should make a habit to close it while we are brushing and opening it when we will really use it after the brushing procedure. Such kind of things seems little, but believe me, they are important. To grow our own food, is instead very much caring towards our health, these propositions make sense and useful for our lives:)

  6. Kenza benohoud says:

    Thank you for these great tips for living a better sustainable life, I am convinced that these small actions can not only help us live a lifestyle in harmony with nature but also offer us better physical and mental health. We are blessed to still have millions of opportunities to make a more durable choice and slowly become more sustainable.

  7. Maud Jaquet says:

    Thank you for these great tips ! I will try to put them in place in my life

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